Sunday, June 26, 2011

Taurus Scorpio Compatibility

Taurus Scorpio Compatibility, that’s the Bull and the Scorpio together, it has to be nothing less than a fiery, lovely and deadly, passionate combination! It’s a challenge for the couple, but a challenge worth facing, because this combinations stands to gain more or less full marks in all attributes that compile in as compatibility.
These signs will either love each other or hate each other but just cannot be unresponsive about the relationship. Under the zodiac signs, Taurus and Scorpio are opposite signs, that is, earth and water respectively and hence you would find each fascinating at times and frustrating at others.
There will be a lot to explore and a lot to detest, but there is also some relief as both the signs being fixed signs they share a few common grounds too. Ambitions, determination to fulfill them, staying indoor, loyalty and also being pessimist are their common traits. Both Taurus and Scorpio will admire each other’s loyalty but also both of them will constantly be battling their egos!
Taurus Scorpio Sexual chemistry is something to talk about when it comes to a Taurus-Scorpio relationship. They can be given a ten on ten, in short the chemistry is very strong and the heat is unbounded! Taurus bends more on a sensual side, whereas Scorpio leans more towards the passionate side. This recipe of the sensual Taurus and the passionate Scorpio gives a result of an absolute romantic duo!
Scorpio and Taurus, both have a good idea about financial investments and both together will make a successful team financially, also will have less friction than the other partners.
It is important for the both of these signs to find activities that they would take pleasure in together, because this is one combination that would benefit from having shared interest, hobbies or activities.

Scorpio Man and Taurus Woman

The Taurus woman and the Scorpion man have the status of being the sexiest couple around! The steady Taurus woman can be a great complement to an intense Scorpio man.
In this relationship, the Taurus woman is bound to expand her usual boundaries and widen her horizons pertaining to all areas in her life, courtesy being the Scorpio man’s ability to challenge anything and everything he comes across. A Taurus woman loves to be seduced, whispers in her ears, the slightest of sensation, the finger touch, these are the sensual moves which a Taurus woman is slave to and the Scorpio man a master!
This relationship is all about bonding, sharing experiences, resources, intimacy and the best and the most adventurous part, that is exploring the unknown! This relationship at some point may not be romantic or passionate but it will always remain momentous.
They are likely to get tied in a marriage bond, which would be a permanent one! The Taurus woman is downright possessive and finds it incorrect of him to share any itsy-bitsy thing of his, which she believes is hers! On the other hand, the Scorpio man thinks more deeply than any other zodiac sign. He entitles himself to control every move, every action, also the mind of the Taurus woman.
If the taurus scorpio relationship ends, it can be brutal, as the Taurus woman would strip the Scorpio man of his possessions and he would strip her off her self- esteem and calmness. Each of them yearns to wipe the floor with the other in the course of revenge for the betrayal of trust.
Right from the beginning each of them will be taking over possession on each other through their own ways or there will be no relationship. During their initial bonding process, they tend to shut the rest of the world out and then start the process of testing each others loyalty, sincerity, dept and commitment towards the relationship. This Taurus Scorpio couple has a great potential together.

1 comment:

  1. In my point of view. This is so wicked. Ahahhaha.. We are like that one except for the egos. Because when we are together, we understand each other. I don't know. As I've told in my first post, we have a chemistry.
